Religion and Politics Must Mix...and Spar When Necessary

 I talk with people or read statements by others who are convinced that the words "the wall of separation between church and state" are found in the US Constitution. The end result of that misunderstanding is the ignorant protesting when a pastor or Christian teacher makes any reference to politics from behind his pulpit or some other platform. I have witnessed people leaving their congregation simply because the pastor waxed political during a sermon. Thomas Jefferson penned the words "a wall of separation" in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in Danbury, Connecticut, as he gave them assurance that the newly formed United States government would not interfere with their right to worship freely. But as the average person is prone to do, that quote was and continues to be taken out of context and applied in such a way that the "establishment clause" of the First Amendment was in fact being made to say the very opposite of what it literally says. Rather than prohibiting Congress from making laws that would prohibit the free exercise of religion, it encourages Congress as well as the State to make laws restricting the freedom of religion. Now our leading liberal, progressive politicians are constantly shackling religious entities while our conservative ones give them the nod out of cowardice and ignorance.

God Himself has been told by the communists/liberals/socialists/Marxists/progressives in Washington to take a seat over there, in the corner, and remain silent. The ignorant American public has bought into the lie. Men and women who are genuinely in Christ and occupy positions of influence are now forming a resistance movement to fight these unbelieving and unregenerate crowds. 

There has been a tsunami of antireligious activity in our nation's capital as well as in state and local governments, sweeping away the First Amendment rights of religious establishments across the board. It must be stopped. And the entity to stop it is the American church, from its bold and faithful pulpits. The Church must examine the First Amendment's establishment clause and publish its findings in order for our nation's populace to finally put to rest the government's fallacious misinterpretation of a sentence in a letter never intended to curtail religious rights. Thomas Jefferson must be spinning in his grave listening to how his words of liberty have been turned into words of oppression.

The notorious and egregious Johnson Amendment has handcuffed the hands of America's pastors and teachers and evangelists and laid the foundation for the horrific actions taken by abortionists and gay rights advocates and pornographers. By silencing the pulpit by threatening to remove the tax-exempt status of local congregations, the Johnson Amendment has disclosed the greedy and cowardly underbelly of thousands of American congregations who proclaim, "We have Ceasar as our King."


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