Johnny's Divine charge

 If you are hoping for a direct word from God on this post, you're in luck. The catch is there are no direct words from God outside the Bible. Any and every direct revelation from God has already been given and finished. The Canon of Scripture is closed.

Sure, one can watch the hundreds of quacks and charlatans on social media sites where they sell their lies and deceptions to the gullible and biblically illiterate. And when I say "sell," that is just what they do; they peddle their heresies and twisted Scriptures to their dupes. All who say, "The Lord told me this," or "The Lord showed me this," are lying. And they know their followers well enough to know they can say anything, no matter how ridiculous and absurd, and their followers will increase, and so will their offerings received.

    So, here is a direct revelation from Paul's letter to the saints in Rome.

The following truths/facts come from the letter to the Romans. “To God be the glory.” In Him and Him alone we boast. I boast in the Lord for my salvation.

         Meditate on these and embrace them.

         Jesus is the Christ, “God over all.” 9:5

         We are forgiven.

         We are justified.

         We are reconciled.

         We are righteous.

         We are redeemed.

         We have eternal life.

         We have been transferred into God’s kingdom.

         We uphold the law by faith.

         We are blessed.

         We are released from the law.

         We are under grace, not the law.

         We have died to the law.

         We serve in the new way of the Spirit.

         We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ

         We are loved.

We are saved.

We are saved from the wrath of God.

         We reign in life through Jesus Christ.

         We are new creatures in Christ Jesus.

         We are called to be saints.

         We are called to belong.

         We are simultaneously sinners and righteous. Simul iustus et peccator.

         We are more than conquerors through Him.

         We will never be condemned.

         We will never be defeated.

         We will never be separated from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.

         We have been set free from sin.

         We are slaves to righteousness.

         We have been sanctified.

         We are being sanctified.

         We are called.

         We are the elect.

         We are the chosen.

         We are the predestined.

         We are alive in the inner man even though our bodies are dead because of sin.

         We have been set free from the law of sin and death by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

         We are in the Spirit.

         We have been given the Spirit.

         We are born of the Spirit.

         We are sons of God.

         We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus.

         We are children of the promise.

         We are the vessels of mercy.

         We are His people and beloved.

         We possess His riches.

        “…the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen.” Rom. 9:5



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