
Showing posts from February, 2023

This is not Christianity.

  What passes for "Christian" in so many, many congregations today and has done so over the last seven decades is in fact not Christianity at all but another religion altogether. If I were to write a book on this topic I would entitle it, “Christianity and the Word Faith Movement and the New Apostolic Reformation Movement”  with a nod to the late Dr. J. Gresham Machen's wonderful book, "Christianity and Liberalism."  B oth religious movements preach another gospel and another Jesus, if they even bother to mention the gospel or Jesus at all. Dr. Machen's title intentionally put Christianity and Liberalism as two totally different religions. That would by my intention as well.  The apostles Paul and Peter and James and Jude and John addressed what the Spirit had shown them about the future of the church, giving an explicit warning to the body of Christ (the church) concerning such damnable heretical movements and eras.  2 Timothy 4:1 I charge you in the presen...