The gifts of the Spirit: Part 1
The Gifts of the Spirit: Part 1 1 Corinthians 12 Back in the day, 1974, the gifts of the Spirit were the talk o’ the town. Everybody wanted to speak in tongues, having no idea what the Biblical gift was. Gibberish was the order of the day. But a closer examination of Acts 2 and 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 reveals that speaking in tongues was actually speaking in known languages and that should have settled the matter once and for all; but it didn’t. Charismatics preferred to ignore Scripture and do what they wanted. Speaking in gibberish was just fine with them. Interpretation? Never heard of it. It was common to visit a local congregation that had a strong charismatic influence in it where many people spoke in gibberish at once. It seems charismatics wanted to pitch their tents in 1 Cor. 12 and again, ignore chapter 14. ...