What is the Biblical gift of tongues?
I once heard a young lady say that she had been taught how to speak in tongues but was embarrassed by the sound of her "tongues." Our small group leader asked her to speak her "new language," and she hesitatingly did. It was a one syllable sound repeated over and over again. It was "dadadadadadadada," said very quickly. The leader and others told her it was the gift of tongues. And everyone went home convinced that this young lady had the genuine gift of tongues. Dear reader, that was not the Biblical gift of tongues no matter how one might spin it. It was gibberish foisted upon a novice by deceived people who thought (sincerely) that everyone is supposed to speak in tongues. A cursory reading of 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 would have told them otherwise. And that is an excellent segue into my next point, people caught up in the Charismatic Movement as well as those in the Pentecostal Movement and the Word of Faith Movement are given to taking Scripture out ...